August 31, 2015

my thoughts on high school

The commons: the gathering place for all high schoolers. Where you stand in the commons at lunch is crucial to your high school social status (not that it matters in real life anyways). Standing next to the knight are all of the seniors that are popular because their parents are rich. They are basically the snobby kids of the school and they all drive expensive clothes and never wear the same outfit twice. To the left of the knight in front of the mural is where all of the soccer players sit. They just talk about soccer and laugh about the most random things. To the left of the mural are all of the football players that are really funny. They are nice to everyone and can always make you laugh. Never go in front of the main office, all of the juniors that think they are cool but really are just annoying stand there. In the middle of the commons is where all of the popular seniors that are popular because they are nice to everyone stand. They invite “loners” to talk to them, they know what it’s like to feel left out. They are the nice kids in the school. In front of the library windows is where all of the outdoorsy kids stand. They are all way too tall and all they ever talk about is their latest adventures. Most of them are on the mountain biking team, so they also talk about that. Last but not least, the football and baseball players all stand to the right of the knight. No one else ever goes over there because they are all so intimidating. In the hallways are where the new kids sit. Also, the kids that don’t want to get involved with anyone in the commons stay in the halls or outside, too. Lastly, there are the people that leave for lunch because they don’t want to see or deal with anyone from school. They are the kids that can’t wait to graduate.


pull me closer as we dance in the rain
press your cold lips against mine as the world falls around us
hold me tight so i know everything will be okay
never let me go and tell me you love me
 even though i know it's a lie

August 27, 2015

this is for You

This is for the kids who's skin turns cold when they get in trouble.
This is for the kids who get butterflies in their belly when they get excited.
This is for the kids who try too hard to fit in but don't try hard enough in school.
This is for the kids with slurred words after they drink too much and can't see straight after too much to smoke.
This is for the kids that are head over heels in love and for the kids that don't feel loved.
This is for the kids who have ever felt like they don't have a place in this world.
This is for the kids who want to change the world.
this is for You.