To the kid who sits alone at lunch
I'm surrounded by people who may seem like my friends.
But no one understands me,
I feel so alone,
All the time.
Everyone says that they're there for me and that we should hang out
But everyone is too busy
With their own life
To realize that anyone else is hurting
Or feeling alone.
And when someone takes their life
Everyone says "i wish there was something more i could have done"
And "i love everyone".
But in reality, everyone is so fake.
If they really cared they would have gone out and done something
Not just for a the week after it happened along with everyone else in the school,
But before the life was taken and every day after that.
If more people were genuine with each other
And everyone treated each other kindly regardless of popularity
Maybe we wouldn't have to worry about anyone wanting to take their life.
There are more people than just me feeling alone.
There are more people than just me feeling like they have no friends,
Or feeling sad.
There are more people than just me hurting.
And we have to do something about it.
Not just now,
Not just tomorrow,
Be kind to everyone you meet.